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Autor Téma: Talent for Luxembourg - Career opportunities for you!  (Přečteno 17037 krát)


Karma: 45
Příspěvků: 2556


« : Leden 29, 2009, 05:26:17 pm »

Pangloss International is pleased to announce you the 4th edition of its
"Invitation-only" Recruitment Event :


This exclusive Recruitment Event will take place on March 27th, 2009 at
the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg (

During this Event, preselected and invited candidates will have the
opportunity to meet and share career expectations with recruiters and
representatives of leading companies in Luxembourg. In those uncertain
times, this represents an unique opportunity to share career expectations
with professionals

As candidate you :

- have a university degree (Master, MBA, etc..)

- have between 0 and 10 years of experience

- are fluent in English + another European language

- have a work European permit (including for Luxembourg)

Your participation to the Event is free of charge. The only requirement is
that you are preselected and invited to participate.

In order to be included in that process, please register to our website,
at - Application deadline is March 13th, 2009

As you are already member, it will take you less than 2min to apply for
the Event.

Please consult also in order to have
information about the participating companies : Company profile, Career
Opportunities, etc..

Please not also that you must have downloaded your CV so that we can be
able to make the preselections.

We are looking forward to being in touch with you very soon and to
welcoming you at "TALENT for LUXEMBOURG" !

Best Regards,

The Pangloss Team
« Poslední změna: Leden 29, 2009, 11:35:55 pm od David » Zaznamenáno
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